In a world, where DOOM is the new "Hello World" project for every device known to man. DOOM GB is for once, not a direct port but a reimagining of DOOM. most people ask, "Can it run DOOM?" but don't often ask "Should It run DOOM?" I have answered "N O" to both, and did it anyway.
This demo will have you shoot some stupid zombies with a pistol. while exploring E1M1. (as of writing this, only half of the map has been implemented)
Inspired by canceled version of resident evil GBC and DOOM RPG, I combined them to make G A R B A G E !
(I greatly appreciate feedback, It helps me find what people like and don't like about my games)
- 360 degree turning
- Zombie killing
- Oh G U N!!!
- E1M1
- 2 horrible soundtracks converted from WAV to MIDI to MOD
- Cool digitized graphics that took way to long to make.
Planned Features:
- Enemy scaling
- Zombies can walk, Oh no!
- Mini port of Wolfenstein 3D if you beat E1M1 (not in released rom yet)
Download 256 kB
Install instructions
Download the game and shove it into an emulator, Idk
(also works on GB and GBC)
Development log
- added early image of Wolfenstein 3DAug 02, 2021
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I put this on the TI-84 Plus CE with calc84maniac's GB emulator. Nice work
But can DOOM GB run DOOM GB in DOOM GB? >:)
If you do want to make a legitimate port, may I suggest attempting to mod Faceball 3D to be Wolfenstein and work from there?
That could work.
I probably could even get the game to use fast mode on GBC.
although, I am not sure how the texture mapping works for the walls, I assume its all precalculated.
You have piqued my interest, I will see what comes of it.
j start and j to shoot when in game a and d to look w to go dere and thats it
Hi, producer. :) We like this game. When will you release the fullversion of DOOM? And please add more levels in the game, and please add save founction in the game. :) This all only is suggestion. We are waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. :)
Is it possible to move forward?
¿compa cuando podríamos tener un versión final?
turning is really janky, and it's hard to aim, but very neat.
Ok yeah i dont know how to start it
lol, please tell me!.
enter to start,j to shoot,a left aim,d right aim(gbstudio emulator controls)
almost forgot :v i have another marine :D, classic gb style (based on the sprite from doom rpg, the java one) you can use it too <3
woah, thanks! That looks way better than anything I could make!
Do you have Twitter? i can try to help :D
Woah! That looks way better then my art! You mind if I use this in game?
Yeah <3 (oops, i meant you can use the sprites 😅 that would be awesome)